Souvenir shop 69 products
Chocolate bar "Legacy"
The chocolate bar "Legacy" is the first chocolate-painting of its kind
The Son of the Peer
Avitohol is the son of the God-Blacksmith Hursa. Raised by his mystic guardians - the wolf and the deer - lie becomes a famous warrior and legendary leader of the Bulgarian people For the courage to lead hiS tribe in days of darkness and trials, to defend what he believes in, you will learn from the tale ’The Son of the Peer.'
The Holy Eagle
Bcrloit was a brasc Bulgarian warrior. To save his family and tnbe from the terrible drought, who reigned on the ground, he took a long and dangerous |oumey to the home of Tangra V\hat obstacles was be going to encounter and what kind of reward the God of the Blue sky would gist him for his courage, you will learn from the pages ol the Holy Eagle.
Fiery wedding
The bulgarian lands were inhabited by the thracians in the past. These people were very strong and fearless in the wars and very wise and skillful in the arts.