

Historical Park, village of Neofit Rilski, Vetrino municipality, Varna region

From the 24 to the 25th September 2022, the Historical Park will host the Third International Traditional Archery Tournament "Historical Park", 2022.

Archers from Bulgaria and abroad will take part in this large and already well-established tournament, who will compete in archery with ancient and historical bows. Some of the most prominent archers and scholars of traditional shooting will be invited as official guests of the tournament, and an authoritative panel of judges, nominated by the Bulgarian Archery Federation, will be appointed for the impartial reporting of the results and awarding of prizes.

The rules of the competition will include two competition days, in the first of which qualifications will be held, and in the second, the finals. Archers will compete in various disciplines, such as: the medieval rotating target "DRAGON SLAYER" (Vur geç), the traditional Ottoman target "PUTA", and "MENZIL" , a traditional Ottoman discipline for long range shooting, aiming at 3D targets, archery from a boat, at an angle from a fortress wall, as well as shooting at different distances from 10 to 60 m.

The tournament is open and will be accessible to any enthusiast of the art of archery who register their participation beforehand, has a traditional bow without an arrow holder, at least 12 wooden arrows with a natural knock ("self-knock") and traditional historical clothing. The fee for participation in the tournament is 50 levas for adults and 25 levas for the youth.

The archers will compete in three groups: children, women and men. The registration for the tournament is done online by requesting participation from the button below "Request participation".

The prize fund of the tournament will be provided the host and organiser of the event, the Historical Park, and will aim at rewarding with dignity the work and skills of the best archers and reenactors of this ancient and beautiful art. The winners in the different groups will receive prizes for the first, second and third place, as for men and women there are also cash prizes, and for children gift prizes. A special prize will be awarded for the best shooter in the discipline: rotating medieval target "DRAGON SLAYER".

In the two days of competition, the Historical Park expects thousands of guests, lovers of the history and culture of their ancestors, from Bulgaria and the whole civilised world, to enjoy the ancient art and skills of the mighty archers.

BE WITH US, for the Third International Traditional Archery Tournament - "Historical Park", on the 24th and 25th September 2022 in the Historical Park, in the village of N. Rilski